3 Tasty Licks Which Highlight The 6th!

I got a question from Dojukan who asked for some specific licks which highlight the 6th.

So listen to the Gm6 chord and hear the sound of the 6th.

It’s the E natural.

It does give any major or minor chord a great flavour and is right in the pocket for the gypsy jazz sound.

Here’s 3 licks that I use to highlight the 6th in G minor:

1. This is a very simple G minor arpeggio that lands on the 6th. This outline the G minor chord at the 3rd fret.

2. When soloing in G minor I like to make use of the open E in a lick like this: F# G Bb D G Bb E (open e)

3. Here’s a cool sounding little like that also lands on and highlights the 6th. D D# E C E.

Also use the G minor chord on the 10th fret to play a lick landing on the E natural (14th fret D string or 12th fret E string).

It’s all about learning and absorbing these small tasty bite size ideas into your playing. Before you know it you’ve got a ton of great stuff at your fingertips!

Swing Out!

If you have a question about gypsy jazz just zap me a mail:
[email protected]

3 Tasty Gypsy Licks Which Highlight The 6th

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